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After a skiing accident, Amanda Boxtel was left with no sensation or movement below her pelvis, and for the past 22 years, she has been wheelchair-bound. Recently, however, Amanda has (quite literally) taken steps to improve her mobility. Through close work with two technology companies, Amanda has become the inadvertent spokesperson for a new era of bionic technology. 3D Systems and Ekso-Bionics teamed up to help Amanda get a 3D printed and articulating exo-suit custom fitted to her own body, that enables Amanda to stand and walk unassisted.

In a newly released video, Amanda shares her personal views of the meaning of the neuro-prosthetic suit. “For the first time I feel as if the exoskeleton is truly one with me,” she says on the video. “It’s as if it was an extension of my body.”

In her view, bionic exo-suits will not only give paralyzed individuals the opportunity to reclaim freedom of movement, but will evolve into an art form that is built from each individual’s personal blueprint.

Learn more about Amanda’s journey by clicking here or on the image above